WELCOME: our story + why we're here

WELCOME: our story + why we're here


Hey, I'm Hannah! Founder of The Clear Co & I'm sooo excited that you're here!! Those of you that know me may be wondering how the heck we got here & those completely here new are probably wondering the same thing. 🤪 This first blog post will be a quick intro to our story + why we are here. More blogs with more details & information about healing crystals are in the works so stayed tuned!! 

I guess I should start by saying I haven't always been interested in crystals and their healing properties. I actually have a B.S. in Agronomy, Minor in Animal Science and three years of experience working in seed corn production. So this is quite the 180 from what I was doing even two months ago. 

However, having been exposed to holistic healing ideas throughout my life & having become increasingly interested in metaphysical aspects this past year. One day I was noticing a few influencers that I personally trust + look up to sharing crystals on their IG stories. The next thing I knew I was deep in crystal TikTok & ready to create my own crystal collection!

My sister has shared the same curiosity for these beautiful stones & their healing properties so we've been exploring + venturing out to a variety of shops looking to learn more. I've quickly realized there aren't many crystal shops in central Iowa. This desire for using crystals & having a vision in mind of what a welcoming beginner shop would look like but being unable to find it lead me to thinking - why not open my own shop?!

It was the perfect storm of ideas flooding in + being unfulfilled at my job + in the middle of 75 Hard (a mental toughness challenge that was pushing me to do more in all areas of my life) that truly lead to taking this leap & just going for it. 

Many more blogs will be posted sharing more of each part of the story that lead me here, but I want to make sure we get to the important part. The why I'm here & doing this part. The whole message + purpose + passion part. The part where YOU come in. 

Everything is energy. We learned this is school: protons, neutrons, electrons and all that jazz. Everything around us has different frequencies that can be uplifting or draining - whether we are aware of it or not. There are tools naturally occurring + found in the Earth (like crystals) that can have profound, positive impacts on frequencies around and within us. 

As individuals, we have the power to use various tools to make our lives better. Which leads to making the lives of others better. Which leads to making the world a better place. 

That is my mission. To help individuals understand that we each have the power to raise our own vibration + acknowledge our power + become crystal clear on our purpose here. 

THANK YOU for being here + taking the time to read my first ever blog post + visiting the website. This is just the beginning of many incredible journeys to come. 

Much love, 




PLEASE NOTE: The information shared on this website is not medical advice, and is not to replace conventional medicine. By using this site you are acknowledging that you are personally responsible for your use or misuse of this information.