WHAT IS REIKI? interview with Sheena Green answering all of our Reiki questions!!

WHAT IS REIKI? interview with Sheena Green answering all of our Reiki questions!!

ENERGY IS EVERYTHING! There are so many ways to improve + enhance + heal different aspects of our lives with energy!! One powerful technique that utilizes healing energy is Reiki. But what is it exactly? How does it work? In this interview, Sheena Green with Flourishing Roots Wellness answers some common questions + explains the healing power of Reiki + how crystals can enhance the experience! 
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word that means “universal life force energy”. “Rei” = Universal “ki” for energy. It originally was used to define the spiritual energy that simply flows through and makes up all things. It wasn't until the 20th century that Reiki morphed into a label to describe energy healing modality. Usui Reiki is the original and oldest lineage of what we consider Reiki as an energy healing modality. While there are other versions of Reiki, like Holy Fire or Kundalini, I carry the Usui Attunements which I received from another Usui Master, Brandy of Willow Moon Apothecary.
Who would most benefit from Reiki?
Since Reiki healing can work on emotional, spiritual, and physical levels almost everyone can benefit in some way from a Reiki session. The subtle energy that flows through our bodies and that comprise our chakras and aura hold so much information that most of us don't realize it affects and influences our day to day functions. I once had a friend come to me for a session and while he felt like he didn't have any major issues to tackle, we were still able to bring to the surface something that had been weighing heavier than he anticipated.
Do you have to use crystals during Reiki?
Crystal energy is not a necessary component of Reiki sessions, but integrating them into one can assist tremendously with healing. I was an Intuitive Healer first before I received my Reiki Attunements and worked with crystal energy almost exclusively during my first years practicing on friends and family. During a session with crystal energy I'm shown and/or hear which crystals to use and where to place them on or around (or both) the recipient's body. This allows the recipient to receive the crystal energy their body needs moment to moment, nothing more, nothing less.
How often should someone get a Reiki session?
Frequency should vary based on the person, but I suggest waiting at least 5-7 days before booking another session. Making it a monthly self-care practice would accelerate an individual's healing on many levels. Most of my clients who have had 3+ sessions experience heightened intuition and synchronicities. My belief is that this happens because we are removing the energetic "gunk" that prevents us from accessing our innate spiritual and intuitive abilities on a regular basis. I also offer a discount for Reiki packages if someone knows they have things to work on consistently.
How to choose the best practitioner?
Use your intuition! Sounds silly, but most of the people who walk in my door found me via Google search, saw my picture or looked at my website and felt that I was the right one for them. If your intuition is dusty, you can also play detective and comb their website. Take a look at their recommendations and testimonials on Google or Facebook, are those recent? Do they share their knowledge on their social platforms and seem passionate about what they do? Have they taken any classes recently? Do they teach regularly so you could try a class before booking with them? Do they work on themselves and have their own team of Healers? Does it seem more like a hobby or a way of life for them? Those are questions that matter to me, but others may have additional criteria.
Do you have any favorite crystals?
Oh wow, that's tough to answer. If I could only work with one crystal (and btw most ancient civilizations didn't have access to the plethora of crystals we have today so they worked in depth with what could be found where they lived) it would be Quartz. I suggest that anyone starting to work with crystal energy meditate with one kind of crystal at a time to build a relationship with its Spirit and energy.
How long does a session last?
Sessions are typically an hour, although if some heavy things come up sometimes I will stretch a session until I feel it's okay to end it. I always trust that whatever needs to be addressed in a session will present itself. I also offer add-ons like essential oil chakra balancing sprays and tarot and/or oracle card readings which will add to the time we spend together.
Can this be done virtually or is in person best?
For those who are out of touch with sensing subtle energy starting off In-Studio is best. For others who have cultivated their intuitive abilities a virtual session is just as effective. I also make house calls for those in Des Moines and surrounding communities. I have a regular who works from home and is a new mom, so it works out well for me to stop by instead of her making arrangements to come into the studio.
When will someone feel the effects of Reiki?
Almost always instantly although each person senses it uniquely. If someone is healthy physically but their subtle body energy is stagnant, they tend to hop off the table refreshed and buzzing with energy. If someone has been extremely stressed or their physical body is worn out, they may feel better but also ready to take a nap. It really is dependent on the individual. Some effects of Reiki during the session are the ability to see colors when the eyes are closed, to feel parts of the body vibrating or twitching as energy moves through it, and to become aware of energy flowing around the body. Many times recipients feel emotions rise up then disappear or parts of their body holding tension will suddenly release.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
For anyone thinking about trying a Reiki session you should! My belief is that as more people begin to incorporate alternative healing modalities into their self-care routine that gradually we will strengthen relationships with each other and make the Earth a better place to live for future generations.
If you are interested in a Reiki session, check out Sheena's website here: flourishingrootswellness.com or if you would like to learn more, check out her amazing YouTube videos here: Flourishing Roots Wellness YouTube Channel.